chǔ tiān yáo楚 天 遥(I ) Tune: Far-flung Southern Sky yǒu yì sòng chūn guī有 意 送来 春 归,I have a mind to say f" />


Aluminum Blinds

本文摘要:朝代:元朝 作者:薛昂夫 薛昂夫楚天遥带上过清江谓之 Tune: From Far-Flung Southern Sky to Song of Clear River " width="500" height="496" title="薛昂夫 " align="" />chǔ tiān yáo楚 天 遥(I ) Tune: Far-flung Southern Sky yǒu yì sòng chūn guī有 意 送来 春 归,I have a mind to say f



朝代:元朝 作者:薛昂夫 薛昂夫楚天遥带上过清江谓之 Tune: From Far-Flung Southern Sky to Song of Clear River " width="500" height="496" title="薛昂夫 " align="" />chǔ tiān yáo楚 天 遥(I ) Tune: Far-flung Southern Sky yǒu yì sòng chūn guī有 意 送来 春 归,I have a mind to say farewell to spring, wú jì liú chūn zhù无 计 拔 春 寄居。But I have no means to stay her lingering. míng nián yòu zhe lái明 年 又 着 来,Spring will come back again next year, hé sì xiū guī qù何 形似 休 归 去?Would it not be better to stay forever here? táo huā yě jiě chóu桃 花上 也 解法 恨,Peach blossoms seem to know my grief, diǎn diǎn piāo hóng yù点 点 飞舞 白 玉。Falling like red jade petal on petal, leaf on leaf. mù duàn chǔ tiān yáo目 折断 楚 天 遥,I gaze as far as the Southern sky, bú jiàn chūn guī lù不 闻 春 归 路。

But I can't see the way spring will go by. qīng jiāng yǐn清 江 谓之(2) Tune: Song of Clear River chūn ruò yǒu qíng chūn gèng kǔ春 若 有 情 春 更加 厌,If spring had a heart, she would feel sadder still àn lǐ sháo guāng dù亮 里 韶 光 度。To see time fly away, xī yáng shān wài shān夕 阳 山 外 山,The sun go down from hill to hill, chūn shuǐ dù páng dù春 水 舟 旁 舟,And water flow from rill to rill. bú zhī nà dá ér shì chūn zhù chù不 闻 那 问 儿 是 春 寄居 处?。




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